
Aceste publicații au fost finanțate dintr-un proiect al Ministerului Cercetării și Inovării, UEFISCDI, proiect cu numărul PN-III-P2-2.1-SOL-2016-03-0046 din programul PNCDI III.

Etapa 1 (2017)

În Etapa I, membrii echipei de proiect au diseminat rezultatele obținute în conferințe internaționale de prestigiu, prin capitole de carte și numere speciale de jurnal. Au fost realizate în total 7 publicații științifice.

1.1. Articole în volume de conferințe internaționale

  1. Talaş, Andrei, Florin Pop, and Gabriel Neagu. “Elastic stack in action for smart cities: Making sense of big data.” In 2017 13th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), pp. 469-476. IEEE, 2017. [link]
  2. Negru, Catalin, Florin Pop, Mariana Mocanu, and Valentin Cristea. “Storage solution of spatial-temporal data for water monitoring infrastructures used in smart cities.” In 2017 21st International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), pp. 617-621. IEEE, 2017. [link]

1.2. Capitole în cărți publicate

  1. Ionicǎ, Dragoş, Nirvana Popescu, Decebal Popescu, and Florin Pop. “Cyber Defence Capabilities in Complex Networks.” In Internet of Everything, pp. 217-231. Springer, Singapore, 2018. [link]

1.3. Numere speciale de jurnal

  1. Pop, Florin, Xiaomin Zhu, and Laurence T. Yang. “Midhdc: Advanced topics on middleware services for heterogeneous distributed computing. Part 2.” Future Generation Computer Systems (2017). [link]
  2. Iacono, Mauro, Marco Gribaudo, Joanna Kołodziej, and Florin Pop. “Modeling and evaluation of highly complex computer systems architectures.” Journal of Computational Science. (2017). [link]
  3. Pop, Florin, Ciprian Dobre, and Alexandru Costan. “AutoCompBD: autonomic computing and big data platforms.” Soft Computing (2017). [link]
  4. Cao, Jiannong, Aniello Castiglione, Giovanni Motta, Florin Pop, Yanjiang Yang, and Wanlei Zhou. “Human-driven edge computing and communication: Part 1.” IEEE Communications Magazine 55, no. 11 (2017): 70-71. [link]

Etapa II (2018)

În Etapa II, membrii echipei de proiect au diseminat rezultatele obținute în jurnale si conferințe internaționale de prestigiu. Au fost realizate în total 26 publicații științifice. Astfel au fost publicate 6 articole în jurnale de prestigiu cotate Q1 și Q2. Aceste publicații însumează 18,887 factor de impact cumulat și 10,114 scor relativ de influentă cumulat. Au fost publicate 10 articole în volumele unor conferințe internaționale. Au fost realizate 4 cărți științifice (o carte editată și 3 volume de conferință) și 3 numere speciale de jurnal.

2.1. Articole de jurnale cotate ISI

  1. Mocanu Bogdan Florin Pop Alexandra Mihaita Ciprian Dobre and Aniello Castiglione. “Data fusion technique in SPIDER Peer-to-Peer networks in smart cities for security enhancements.” Information Sciences (2018). Publicat (IF: 4,305 SRI: 2,107); [link]
  2. Cioara Tudor Ionut Anghel Ioan Salomie Marcel Antal Claudia Pop Massimo Bertoncini Diego Arnone and Florin Pop. “Exploiting data centres energy flexibility in smart cities: Business scenarios.” Information Sciences 476 (2019): 392-412. Publicat (IF: 4,305 SRI: 2,107); [link]
  3. Varga Mihai Alina Petrescu-Nita and Florin Pop. “Deadline scheduling algorithm for sustainable computing in Hadoop environment.” Computers and Security 76 (2018): 354-366. Publicat (IF: 2,650 SRI: 1,157); [link]
  4. Esposito Christian Aniello Castiglione Francesco Palmieri Massimo Ficco Ciprian Dobre George V. Iordache and Florin Pop. “Event-based sensor data exchange and fusion in the Internet of Things environments.” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 118 (2018):328-343. Publicat (IF: 1,815 SRI: 1,198); [link]
  5. Văduva, Corina, Cosmin Dănișor, and Mihai Datcu. “Joint SAR Image Time Series and PSInSAR Data Analytics: An LDA Based Approach.” Remote Sensing 10, no. 9 (2018): 1436, 2072-4292. Publicat (IF: 3.406, SRI: 1.585); [link]
  6. Dănișor, Cosmin, Gianfranco Fornaro, Antonio Pauciullo, Diego Reale, and Mihai Datcu. “Super-Resolution Multi-Look Detection in SAR Tomography.” Remote Sensing 10, no. 12 (2018): 1894, 2072-4292. Publicat (IF: 3.406, SRI: 1.585). [link]

2.2. Articole în volume de conferințe internaționale

  1. Filip, Ion Dorinel, Bogdan Ghita, Florin Pop, George-Valentin Iordache, Catalin Negru, and Ciprian Dobre. “EdgeMQ: Towards a Message Queuing Processing System for Cloud-Edge Computing:(Use Cases on Water and Forest Monitoring).” In 2018 17th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC), pp. 46-52. IEEE, 2018. [link]
  2. Rogojanu, Tudor, Mihai Ghita, Valeriu Stanciu, Radu-Ioan Ciobanu, Radu-Corneliu Marin, Florin Pop, and Ciprian Dobre. “Netiot: A versatile iot platform integrating sensors and applications.” In 2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2018. [link]
  3. Năstase Liviu, Cătălin Negru and Florin Pop. “Understanding and Making Sense of Maritime Navigation Datasets.” In 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP) pp. 357-364. IEEE 2018. [link]
  4. Dragos Comaneci and Ciprian Dobre “Securing Networks using SDN and Machine Learning.” 21st IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering Bucharest Romania 29-31 October 2018 43-49. [link]
  5. Liviu-Adrian Hîrtan and Ciprian Dobre “Blockchain privacy-preservation in Intelligent Transportation Systems.” 21st IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering Bucharest Romania 29-31 October 2018 37-43. [link]
  6. Andrei Ionescu-Tăutu, Radu-Ioan Ciobanu, Radu-Corneliu Marin, Ciprian Dobre “HYCCUPS: Opportunistic Engine for Device-to-Device Communication on Android.” Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS 2018) October 23-25 2018 Thessaloniki Greece. [link]
  7. Crecana, Constantin-Cosmin, and Florin Pop. “Monitoring-based auto-scalability across hybrid clouds.” In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 1087-1094. ACM, 2018. [link]
  8. Danisor, Cosmin, and Mihai Datcu. “Extension of PS-InSAR Approach for DEM and Linear Deformation Rates Estimation. Case Study of Bucharest Area.” In EUSAR 2018; 12th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pp. 1-6. VDE, 2018. [link]
  9. Danisor, Cosmin, and Mihai Datcu. “3-Pass D-InSAR for Estimation of Displacements Caused by October 2016 Central Italy Earthquake.” In EUSAR 2018; 12th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pp. 1-5. VDE, 2018. [link]
  10. Dănişor, Cosmin, Mihai Datcu, and Alin Dănişor. “Estimation of terrain’s linear deformation rates using synthetic aperture radar systems.” In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 400, no. 2, p. 022018. IOP Publishing, 2018. [link]

2.3. Cărți publicate

  1. Kołodziej Joanna, Florin Pop and Ciprian Dobre eds. “Modeling and Simulation in HPC and Cloud Systems.” Vol. 36. Springer 2018. [link]
  2. Arcangelo Castiglione, Florin Pop, Massimo Ficco, Francesco Palmieri (Eds.) “Cyberspace Safety and Security.” 10th International Symposium CSS 2018 Amalfi Italy October 29-31 2018 Proceedings. [link]
  3. Florin Pop, Catalin Negru, Horacio Gonzalez-Velez, Jacek Rak, “21st IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering.” 29-31 October 2018 Bucharest Romania. [link]
  4. Ciprian Dobre, Francisco Jose Melero, Radu-Ioan Ciobanu, Francesco Palmieri “16th International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing.” 29-31 October 2018 Bucharest Romania. [link]

2.4. Numere speciale de jurnal

  1. Pop Florin, Alexandru Iosup, and Radu Prodan. “HPS-HDS: high performance scheduling for heterogeneous distributed systems.” Future Generation Computer Systems (2018): 242-244. [link]
  2. Cao Jiannong, Aniello Castiglione, Giovanni Motta, Florin Pop, Yanjiang Yang and Wanlei Zhou. “Human-driven edge computing and communication: Part 2.” IEEE Communications Magazine 56 no. 2 (2018): 134-135. [link]
  3. Pop Florin, Radu Prodan and Gabriel Antoniu. “RM-BDP: Resource management for Big Data platforms.” Future Generation Computer Systems (2018): 961-963. [link]

Etapa 3 (2019)

În Etapa III, membrii echipei de proiect au diseminat rezultatele ob’inute în jurnale si conferințe internaționale de prestigiu. Au fost realizate în total 15 publicații științifice. Astfel au fost publicate 7 articole în jurnale de prestigiu cotate Q1 (5 publicații), Q2 (o publicație) și jurnale naționale (o publicație) și sunt în curs de evaluare 2 articole de jurnal (unul Q1 și unul Q2). Aceste publicații însumează 36,508 factor de impact cumulat și 14,868 scor relativ de influentă cumulat. Au fost publicate 6 articole în volumele unor conferințe internaționale. Au fost realizate 2 numere speciale de jurnal.

3.1. Articole de jurnale cotate ISI

  1. Stan, Roxana Gabriela, Catalin Negru, and Florin Pop. “Cloudwave: Content gathering network with flying clouds.” Future Generation Computer Systems 98 (2019): 474-486. Publicat (IF: 5,768 SRI: 1,836); [link]
  2. Popa, Dan, Florin Pop, Cristina Serbanescu, and Aniello Castiglione. “Deep learning model for home automation and energy reduction in a smart home environment platform.” Neural Computing and Applications 31, no. 5 (2019): 1317-1337. Publicat (IF: 4,664 SRI: 1,118); [link]
  3. Constantinescu, R., R. C. Poenaru, F. Pop, and P. G. Popescu. “A new version of KSOR method with lower number of iterations and lower spectral radius.” Soft Computing (2019): 1-8. Publicat (IF: 2,784, SRI: 0,903); [link]
  4. Cioara, Tudor, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Marcel Antal, Claudia Pop, Massimo Bertoncini, Diego Arnone, and Florin Pop. “Exploiting data centres energy flexibility in smart cities: Business scenarios.” Information Sciences 476 (2019): 392-412. Publicat (IF: 5,524, SRI: 2,448); [link]
  5. Mocanu, Bogdan, Florin Pop, Alexandra Mihaita, Ciprian Dobre, and Aniello Castiglione. “Data fusion technique in spider peer-to-peer networks in smart cities for security enhancements.” Information Sciences 479 (2019): 607-621. Publicat (IF: 5,524, SRI: 2,448); [link]
  6. Filip, Ion-Dorinel, Andrei Vlad Postoaca, Radu-Dumitru Stochitoiu, Darius-Florentin Neatu, Catalin Negru, and Florin Pop. “Data Capsule: Representation of Heterogeneous Data in Cloud-Edge Computing.” IEEE Access 7 (2019): 49558-49567. Publicat (IF: 4,098, SRI: 2,047); [link]
  7. CÎRȚÎNĂ, Marius Cristian, Florin POP, Mădălina Cornelia ZAMFIR, Vladimir FLORIAN, and Gabriel NEAGU. “Data catalog in Cloud environment for natural disasters.” Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control 29, no. 1 (2019): 19-34. [link]

3.2. Articole în volume de conferințe internaționale

  1. Radu-Corneliu Marin, Alexandru Gherghina-Pestrea, Alexandru Florin Robert Timisica, Radu-Ioan Ciobanu, Ciprian Dobre. (2019, March). “Device to Device Collaboration for Mobile Clouds in Drop Computing”. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops) (pp. 298-303). IEEE. [link]
  2. Neatu, Darius-Florentin, Radu-Dumitru Stochitoiu, Andrei-Vlad Postoaca, Ion-Dorinel Filip, and Florin Pop. “My cloudy time machine: a scalable microservice-based platform for data processing in cloud-edge systems: a proof of concept for the ROBIN-cloud project.” In Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 1451-1458. ACM, 2019. [link]
  3. Pop, Florin, and Valentin Cristea. “Distributed Systems Education: From Traditional Models to New Paths of Learning.” In 2019 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), pp. 383-386. IEEE, 2019. [link]
  4. Ilie, Andra-Teodora, Ion-Dorinel Filip, Andrei Vlad Postoaca, Catalin Negru, Florin Pop, Adrian Stoica, and Florin Serban. “Faster and Scalable Parallel Processing Solution to Remove Visual Obstacles from Satellite Imagery.” In 2019 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), pp. 194-201. IEEE, 2019. [link]
  5. Gheorghe, Alin-Gabriel, Constantin-Cosmin Crecana, Catalin Negru, Florin Pop, and Ciprian Dobre. “Decentralized Storage System for Edge Computing.” In 2019 18th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC), pp. 41-49. IEEE, 2019. [link]
  6. Oncioiu, Anamaria-Raluca, Florin Pop, and Christian Esposito. “Asymptotic Load Balancing Algorithm for Many Task Scheduling.” In International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless, pp. 136-149. Springer, Cham, 2019. [link]

3.3. Numere speciale de jurnal

  1. Tu, Wanqing, Florin Pop, Weijia Jia, Jie Wu, and Mauro Iacono. “High-Performance Computing in Edge Computing Networks.” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (2019). [link]
  2. Esposito, Christian, Florin Pop, and Jun Huang. “Application of soft computing and machine learning in the big data analytics for smart cities and factories.” In International Journal of Information Management (2019). [link]